Monday, November 15, 2010

The Journey 11/15/10

Today, right after treatment, I headed to Carlinville for a presbyter's meeting. Right now about the only side affect that I am experiencing from radiation treatment is a red neck and a sore throat.

When I say sore, what I think I really need to say is that it hurts. I was reading a pamphlet at the treatment center and it had a list of side affects. I am thankful that I am not experiencing all of them.

Most of the time my throat hurts the worse at night. I don't know why that is. It may be that the air is a little cooler but probably because during the day there are other things to help keep your mind off the pain. As night comes and activities slow down I tend to notice the pain more even though it was there during the day.

Night time is the worse...but isn't that how it is most of the time. Maybe that is why David said, "weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning".

Maybe right now you are in a night time. I am not talking just about physical pain but some area of your life that is hurting, your marriage, your finances, your job situation, tension with your children...

I am convinced that if you will stay before the Lord with a right heart, He will bring you through the night time.

But joy cometh in the morning. Now I don't know the exact time of your morning but it will come. The sun will shine again, the storm clouds will pass and with the morning "joy cometh".

Be encouraged today to hold to your faith in God. Don't let go. Keep on believing. Joy is on the way.


19 down and 16 to go.

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