Thursday, November 11, 2010

The Journey 11/11/10

Today was doctor day. He mentioned that he thought my voice was raspier today then when I first came in. He thought after five more treatments he may have me take a few days off.

I think that because we have our J.U.S.T. kids ministry on Wednesday night and I drive one of the vans and the kids on the van want to talk to me I do a lot more talking on Wednesday then other days and then when I see the doctor on Thursday it just sounds worse. These next three days I am going to try and do as little talking as possible.

As well as seeing the doctor on Thursdays the nurse also weighs me. They don't want me losing a lot of weight. I believe I can meet that requirement. lol

The scale is a pad right next to the wall and there are stainless steel rails to hold to when you step up on it. Today I shifted my weight by holding to the rails. Of course, I weighed a lot less. They had to do a retake. (I have to do something to break up the monotony).

As I was leaving and thinking about making myself lighter I thought of the verse, Proverbs 20:23 Divers weights are an abomination unto the Lord; and a false balance is not good. I like how it reads in the New Living Bible: The Lord detests double standards; he is not pleased by dishonest scales.

Today at the doctor's office it was not the scales that were dishonest. It was me trying to weigh lighter then I really am. It would be easier said like this, "Trying to be something or someone I am not."

I wonder how many today fall in that category...trying to be something they are not or acting like someone they are not. I wonder how many believers are acting like this world and how many non-believers are acting like the church. Either situation is not good.

As a believer we are "The Light of the World". We must shine "in Christ" where ever we go.


17 down and 18 to go.

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