Monday is blood day. The picture is my right arm that turned black and blue after I gave some blood. Usually I never feel much pain when blood is drawn but this time, it hurt! (I think the nurse was smiling.) lol
I wanted to get a video of the actual machine during treatment but the nurse said she would rather I didn't. She said that the high radiation can also mess up electronics. I asked her, "Then what is it doing to me?" She said, "What it is supposed to do." I thought that was a pretty good answer.
I was thinking about the little vial of blood they draw from my arm each Monday. It is really not that much. Then I began to think about the blood Jesus gave for the world. All of it. A small needle in my arm by someone not wanting to inflict any pain and a large spike in His hands by someone who wanted to inflict as much pain as possible.
As I left today I was thanking Jesus for all He has done for me, but mostly for shedding His blood on Calvary so that I could be born again.
Are you experiencing a little pain today. Stop for a moment and think of the pain He bore for you. Perspective is so important as we walk through this life.
What was it one man said? I complained I had no shoes until I saw a man that had no feet.
The nurse told me she was sorry. I told her not to worry about it, it will be OK. One of my favorite portions of scripture in the Bible is, "And it came to pass". There are some things that will come but hang on, they will pass. Weeping is but for the night, joy comes in the morning.
9 down and 26 to go
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