Today extra x-rays were taken. The reason is, starting next week they are going to narrow the beam and pin point the tumor. It has, no doubt, shrunk and that may be the reason for the readjustment.
I will not have any treatment tomorrow. The doctor wants to give my neck and throat a little extra time to recover. I will only have three treatments next week and be off four days for Thanksgiving. (I may have to drink Thanksgiving dinner). He told me today that I only have eleven more treatments to take so that has been reduced from 35 to 33.
The doctor thought my voice sounded better today. I don't know if he was convinced of that or just trying to convince me.
When they told me today that they were going to pin point and narrow the radiation this thought came to me. So many times we pray shotgun prayers. And at times that may not be a bad thing but when it comes to our own lives the shotgun prayer may need to be readjusted.
Have you have heard someone pray, "Lord, if I have wronged someone, or if I have done anything wrong, forgive me". I call that a shotgun prayer. Most of the time that prayer is being prayed because the person praying it is going through some difficulties and they are trying to cover all areas.
I don't know about you, but I usually don't have to pray "if" I have done something. The Holy Spirit is such a helpful friend that He will let you know when you have done something wrong and if you listen closely to Him, He will let you know when you are about to do something wrong.
But we pray that prayer because it takes responsibility from us and we figure if God doesn't tell us then we must be OK. We need to zero in (pin piont) those areas of our lives where we know we need to change because His word instructs us and then make the changes.
There is a reason the radiation treatment is being pin pointed. It is time to attack the tumor head on and not just in the general area.
Perhaps it is time to attack the problem areas of our lives head on, just as David faced Goliath, and deal with those areas. Tell Him, "Lord, here is the problem in my life, cleanse me." Once we pray "cleanse me" then we can pray "use me".
I realize none of us are perfect but that is no excuse for just praying "shotgun prayers" when in our heart we know where we need to "zero in".
22 down and 11 to go.
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