Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The Journey 11/10/10

There is one area of this journey that I have yet to mention. That is the paper work. Not only keeping track of the bills but also seeing that they are sent to the correct places.

I do have a type of insurance (Samaritan Christian Healthcare Newsletter) but I am considered a self pay patient by the hospital.

Since I am considered that I get all the bills and most of the time I have to call and have them resent, itemized. That is how SCHN has to have them.

I have had very little hospital time in my life so, at times, just seeing these bills are overwhelming. So far it has come to at least $30,000 plus and I still have a little over half of the radiation treatment to take.

I realize that is a drop in the bucket for many people who have had worse cases then mine but it is a bucket load to me.

There is the stress of the sickness and then there is the stress of the expenses. I am so glad that Jesus said to cast all our care on Him for He cares for us. I am doing this on a day by day, hour by hour and sometimes minute by minute regularity.

Perhaps today you are facing some overwhelming, stress producing, mind boggling moments. Listen to the words of Jesus as He spoke to His leadership team when they were facing a similar situation in the middle of the sea in a boat about to sink..."Be of good cheer, it is I, be not afraid".

That is my choice today...Being of good cheer and being not afraid...why? "It is I (Christ)".


16 down and 19 to go.

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