Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The Journey 10/26/10

Today started off like any other. I headed to the coffee shop at 5:30 this morning. While in the coffee shop the wind started blowing and the door swung open and in blew a bunch of leaves and a few things were knocked over.

No one asked the wind to blow the door open and make a mess, it just happened. That is what strong wind can do.

In life we have things happen to us that we don't ask for but that is just life in the world. How we react or respond to what happens is usually the bigger issue then what has happened to us.

A friend of mine wrote this on his face book page:

As long as we have to go through valley's in life we might as well learn what we can and grow as we journey through them! He is the God of the valley's too!---Gary Grogan

How true that is. When I found out I had cancer on my vocal cords I then had a choice. React or respond. To react would say, why me or this should not happen to me or this isn't fair. Maybe those are all legit statements but I am choosing to respond. To respond for me is to continue to preach, pray and plug away.

The words in this song say it best. "Whose report will you believe, I will believe the report of the Lord!"

Perhaps today you are facing the challenge to react or to respond. It may not be a physical thing but maybe a reaction or response to a person.

We can not always choose what happens to us but we can always choose how we handle it.


5 down and 30 to go.

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