Every Thursday is doctor day. That means that after the treatment I go see the doctor. It is only a one minute or less visit. Goes something like this.
Doctor: How many treatments now?
Me: Seven.
Doctor: How are you feeling?
Me: Fine.
Doctor: Is your voice getting any better?
Me: I can't really tell. My wife thinks so.
Doctor: I can't really tell much of a difference.
Doctor: Don't talk too much. Don't try to sing. Gargle.
Me: OK.
Doctor: Have a good day.
I wonder how much that conversation will cost? LOL Found out later almost $600.00.
I am doing my best to follow the doctor's instructions. I want this treatment to work. I was talking to a friend of mine that had similar treatment and he was telling me that at times he hurt from the sun burn effect on his skin but he said, bottom line, it worked.
How many times, as a pastor, over the years have I heard, "I read the bible but it didn't work". My response was always this: "Reading it and obeying it are two different things". As believers we need to follow the instructions. James says to be doers and not hearers only.
Jesus tells the parable of the two men who built a house. One on sand and one on rock. They both faced the same storms but the man who built on the sand was devastated while the one who built on the rock withstood the storm. Of course, the analogy is, the one who built on sand was a hearer of the word only. The one who built on rock was not only a hearer of the word but a doer of the word.
Next time something isn't working out that you are praying about ask this question: "Am I following the instructions, am I doing what He says to do?" We may all be surprised that we are only doing what we feel we need to do and not following His complete instructions.
Have a great day.
7 down and 28 to go.
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