Wednesday, September 7, 2011

But I am feeling so much better.......

Recovery does not happen over night. I am feeling better and because of that I think I overdo it on some days and by the end of the day I can really tell it.

I think there are times when we push ourselves when we really need to let up. I realize also that there are times when we must push ourselves. I guess that is when we need to know the difference when to do that and when not.

In my case my body begins to let me know. It is at that time I need to realize I am still recovering from major surgery.

Let's take a look at this in our spiritual lives. If you are a new believer there are going to be things you are not ready to do. I have seen many new believers think they are ready to pastor a church are begin traveling and preaching only to give up when it gets tough. Why? They were simply not ready to do that.

The twelve disciples spent three years with Jesus before they were on their own and even then, at times, it seemed they weren't ready.

Paul the apostle took time with some of the disciples to make sure he was on target as to what he was to be preaching.

This does not mean that we are not to share our faith, pray with others, get involved in ministry at our church. It does mean that we need a covering, that is to say we need to be accountable.

I realize there are things I can do and there are things I can't do at this time. There are things God has called me to do and there are things He hasn't.

I try to remember this:It's not the one who runs the fastest nor he that shines for a day but He that endureth to the end shall be saved.

I guess the question would be. How can I know what I am to do and not to do. There are some things we don't even need to pray about. I don't need to pray about praying, going to church, giving, etc. These things are already spelled out in the Bible that we are to do.

The other things I must do: Heb 12:2 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

As I look to Him, He will direct me in areas of my life that are not specifically spelled out in His word that I am to do.

As we ready His word and look unto Him we will know when to push and when to rest.

On your mark, get set, GO..........


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