Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Yesterday, August 23, I went back to the doctor for my surgery followup. The staples were removed, the feeding tube was removed, the voice prosthesis was installed and the reports from the pathologist came back negative. Not a bad visit at all.

I am going to have to have another round of radiation treatment. I am really not thrilled about that but the doctor felt that it would be a good thing to do so I will begin that in a couple of weeks.

Now begins the process of learning how to talk with the prosthesis. I know my voice is not going to sound anything like it did before. I am sure that it is going to take some getting used to by me and, perhaps, everyone else.

There may be those when they hear it for the first time who may want to chuckle or laugh or cringe or some other reaction. That will be fine with me. I cringed myself the first time I heard it. I am sure it will get better the more I talk. As with anything, the first time you do something in public there is apprehension but that will just have to be pushed beyond.

I guess it would be kind of like sharing your faith in Jesus the first time. You don't know what kind of reaction or response you are going to get but you know you are doing the right thing by sharing what Jesus has done in your life.

So today I start talking. It may not sound pretty and may at first be difficult to understand. It may even hurt my throat some, but I am determined to do this.

Are you determined to do what you need to do to follow Christ. There is an old song that goes like this.

I am determined, I've made up my mind
I'll serve the Lord
I'm leaving the pleasures of this world behind
I'll serve the Lord
I'll follow wherever He leads me
I'll pasture wherever He feeds me
I am determined, I've made up my mind
I'll serve the Lord.


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