Acts 2:1-2 On the day of Pentecost* all the believers were meeting together in one place. Suddenly, there was a sound from heaven like the roaring of a mighty windstorm, and it filled the house where they were sitting. NLV
As I was reading this today, I was reminded once again of the awesome power of the Holy Spirit in our lives.
That is not totally what caught my attention. There is a word that seemed to jump off the page and it was the word “suddenly”.
We know the 120 in that upper room that day had been there at least 10 days prior to this “suddenly”.
I am thinking that after 5 days they may have been thinking, “Why hasn’t anything happened yet?” But when it did happen it was “suddenly”.
Have you ever had God promise you something and it seemed like it was never going to happen but when it did it seemed it happened “suddenly”?
I can remember God telling me something was going to take place in my life but it would take time to get every thing in line but when that happened it would seem that what He promised me would happen “suddenly” although it took time to make it happen.
Remember when Jesus told His disciples to cast their nets on the right side of the boat? They had fished all night and caught nothing but at His word they did what He said and caught a net full of fish.
Sometimes we only look on the surface of things and most of the time the only thing we see is our own reflection of fear and doubt. Yet what was happening under the water is what counted. I wonder if when Jesus said, “Cast your nets on the right side of the boat”, if every fish in the pond didn’t start heading that way.
Sometimes we can’t see or it is not shown to us what is taking place under the surface, we are only told to trust, have faith and obey. He will take care of the details. There was nothing those disciples could do that day to get a load of fish except obey Jesus command.
What is it that God has spoken into your heart? What is it that seems like will never take place? Keep trusting Him. Keep looking unto Him. He will bring it to pass and when it happens it will startle you because it will be “suddenly”.
What He promised me was several years in the making but when it happened, it was “suddenly”.
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