Hello. I can hardly believe that this year is just hours from being over.
My voice is getting stronger each day. Next week I will post another video. My throat is still a little sore but over all is so much better.
My neck has pretty much healed up.
As I look back over this past year, I would say that that this journey has been one of the most challenging adventures of the year.
But from the very out set until the conclusion Jesus has given me His assurance that everything would be OK.
You can face the giants, the valleys, the rough places and anything else when you know that He is with you.
Perhaps as you look back at this year, you too, can rejoice know that He has walked with you and directed your steps.
Be Blessed.

This is the Journey of Pastor Rick Stratton's discovery of vocal cord cancer, treatment, recovery and on. My prayer for you today is that you will be blessed and victorious. Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because, greater is He that is in you, then he that is in the world. 1 John 4:4
Friday, December 31, 2010
Friday, December 24, 2010
The Journey 12/24/10
Praise the Lord! My voice is coming back. It has been close to seven months since my voice has sounded this good. If you go back to my post on 11/4/10 and watch the video you can really tell the difference.
I trust you will have a great Christmas with family and friends. Thanks for checking in on Fridays to see and hear the continued progress of this Journey.
Merry Christmas!!!
I trust you will have a great Christmas with family and friends. Thanks for checking in on Fridays to see and hear the continued progress of this Journey.
Merry Christmas!!!
Friday, December 17, 2010
The Journey 12/17/10
Everything seems to be healing up. It has been one week since I had my last treatment. My voice is starting to return. Next week I will have put a video on here so you will be able to hear my voice and compare it to an earlier video.
I think the key now is to be patient as everything continues to heal up from the radiation treatment.
Isn't that how it is in almost everything? Patiently waiting. So many times we get in anxiety and that many times will delay the desired results. To me patiently waiting doesn't mean we are pacing the floor but that we go on about the business of our lives. We continue to move forward and not fall into the trap of worry and fear.
Today if what you are wanting to happen hasn't happened yet; don't get in despair but continue to look to Him, the author and developer of our faith.
My throat is still a little sore but nothing like it had been. As I had mentioned before, night time is the worse and that is starting to get better.
The skin on my neck is healing up. I am hoping there won't be any scars but if there is, there is. The cold weather cause my neck to hurt more then usual.
I thank you for your continued prayers as I continue to walk this journey. The journey now is more of one of recovery.
Be blessed.
I will talk to you next Friday.
I think the key now is to be patient as everything continues to heal up from the radiation treatment.
Isn't that how it is in almost everything? Patiently waiting. So many times we get in anxiety and that many times will delay the desired results. To me patiently waiting doesn't mean we are pacing the floor but that we go on about the business of our lives. We continue to move forward and not fall into the trap of worry and fear.
Today if what you are wanting to happen hasn't happened yet; don't get in despair but continue to look to Him, the author and developer of our faith.
My throat is still a little sore but nothing like it had been. As I had mentioned before, night time is the worse and that is starting to get better.
The skin on my neck is healing up. I am hoping there won't be any scars but if there is, there is. The cold weather cause my neck to hurt more then usual.
I thank you for your continued prayers as I continue to walk this journey. The journey now is more of one of recovery.
Be blessed.
I will talk to you next Friday.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
The Journey 12/8/10 Final treatment!
I was pleasantly surprised today to have David Ball, representing my church family, and Jonathan, my youngest son, representing my immediate family at my last treatment. They were there to help me and you "ring the bell".
A picture says a thousand words....end of post.
I will continue to post each Friday after this week to let you know how my healing is progressing.
Thanks for all your prayers and support.
A picture says a thousand words....end of post.
I will continue to post each Friday after this week to let you know how my healing is progressing.
Thanks for all your prayers and support.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
The Journey 12/7/10
There is really not much to report today. My skin on my neck is pretty sore today. I think this cold weather affects it more then usual.
My voice is still pretty week, although I do believe that will change once the treatments are over.
As you know, tomorrow is my last day of treatment. I am looking forward to that.
I have really enjoyed keeping your informed of the progress through all of this. Your prayers have been a great sustaining factor.
Tomorrow I hope to have a video of me ringing the bell after my final treatment. I asked today if I could have the mask I have had to wear during this journey. They told me it was mine. I will have a picture of that as well.
I wish you could all be there as I walk out the door of the radiation treatment room and ring the bell but you will be there in my thoughts.
We truly do not walk alone when we are going through a trial or a valley. First and foremost He walks with us but also family and friends walk with us through their prayers and support.
I am going to update this blog on Fridays after the treatment is over and share with you the progress of the restoration of my voice and the healing of my neck and throat.
Once again, thank you for your faithful prayers and support.
32 down and 1 to go.
My voice is still pretty week, although I do believe that will change once the treatments are over.
As you know, tomorrow is my last day of treatment. I am looking forward to that.
I have really enjoyed keeping your informed of the progress through all of this. Your prayers have been a great sustaining factor.
Tomorrow I hope to have a video of me ringing the bell after my final treatment. I asked today if I could have the mask I have had to wear during this journey. They told me it was mine. I will have a picture of that as well.
I wish you could all be there as I walk out the door of the radiation treatment room and ring the bell but you will be there in my thoughts.
We truly do not walk alone when we are going through a trial or a valley. First and foremost He walks with us but also family and friends walk with us through their prayers and support.
I am going to update this blog on Fridays after the treatment is over and share with you the progress of the restoration of my voice and the healing of my neck and throat.
Once again, thank you for your faithful prayers and support.
32 down and 1 to go.
Monday, December 6, 2010
The Journey 12/6/10

I was blessed last week to receive a "huge" card from the 3rd grade class of the St. Peter's School in Forest Lake, Minnesota.(Top of post) Everyday, seventeen students, during their prayer time, have been lifting me up in prayer. Thank you, St. Peter's 3rd grade class for your prayers. They are helping to make a difference.
I was told today that after a couple weeks I should begin to notice my neck and throat healing and going back to normal. I will sure be glad when that happens.
Yesterday, when I started out speaking at church, my voice sounded better then it had in a long time but after a few minutes it became pretty weak. I didn't speak real long.
As a side note, we have been having different speakers on Sunday nights and they have all been a blessing to the body of Christ.
I am so grateful for the family of God. If you are not a part of a fellowship of believers I want to encourage you to seek one out. You may have been hurt by someone who goes to church and have even said you would never go again. Don't judge the whole tree by one bad apple...
Thanks again for all your prayers.
Be Blessed.
31 down and 2 to go.
Friday, December 3, 2010
The Journey 12/3/10
It is hard to believe that I am almost to the end of the radiation treatments. Today has not been as good as yesterday. My voice is still about the same but a little weaker. As I said yesterday, it comes and goes.
My neck is healing up pretty good. It should with that high dollar cream I put on it. lol
Today I am just tired. I think that is why my voice is a little weaker. I was told that the radiation treatments can make you tired but today it is more then usual.
I am so grateful for all the prayers that have been and are being prayed for me. What a blessing!!
I am going to try and get some rest today.
30 down and 3 to go.
My neck is healing up pretty good. It should with that high dollar cream I put on it. lol
Today I am just tired. I think that is why my voice is a little weaker. I was told that the radiation treatments can make you tired but today it is more then usual.
I am so grateful for all the prayers that have been and are being prayed for me. What a blessing!!
I am going to try and get some rest today.
30 down and 3 to go.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
The Journey 12/2/10
I am pretty excited today. My voice is starting to come back. Yesterday about 4:30 pm I was getting stuff ready for our J.U.S.T. Kids, Wednesday night ministry. I turned on the sound system and when I spoke into it to test it, my voice sounded so much better then it had up until then.
It still comes and goes a little but it is coming more then it is going. I give Him all the praise and glory.
Today was doctor day. Here is what he told me. "Don't talk to much". That is pretty much the advise he has given me every time I have seen him. He went on to add this. "God gave us two ears and ONE mouth". He was simply saying listen more and talk less. Pretty good advice even if you are not having voice problems. The bible puts it like this: James 1:19 Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak...
I leave you with that thought today.
Be blessed.
29 down and 4 to go.
It still comes and goes a little but it is coming more then it is going. I give Him all the praise and glory.
Today was doctor day. Here is what he told me. "Don't talk to much". That is pretty much the advise he has given me every time I have seen him. He went on to add this. "God gave us two ears and ONE mouth". He was simply saying listen more and talk less. Pretty good advice even if you are not having voice problems. The bible puts it like this: James 1:19 Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak...
I leave you with that thought today.
Be blessed.
29 down and 4 to go.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
The Journey 12/1/10
I am nearing the end of the journey as far as radiation treatments go. There has been some change that I can begin to notice. My throat doesn't seem to have as big as a lump in it when I swallow as it did before.
My neck is more blistered then it has been and this cold weather makes the skin hurt more then usual but that will pass as it begins to heal. I guess it would be like a real bad sun burn for a month.
I really won't know the outcome of the treatment for a month or so after the treatment. That is when I will go back to the ENT doctor and he will put a scope in my throat to be able to see what it looks like.
As I was setting in the waiting room today before treatment there is a new man that has just starting coming for treatment. I asked him what he was being treated for but I don't think he heard me. I could see on his face some apprehension. Perhaps that is what I was looking like when I first went and sat in the waiting room. I hope to talk to him tomorrow.
I was thinking today as I was coming back from treatment. No matter what we are facing or going through there is always someone facing or going through something worse. Then I thought it really isn't how bad or not so bad something is you are going through, the important thing is who is going through it with you.
What a comfort to know that Jesus Christ is always present but also family and friends who stand by your side in prayer and encouragement. It is just good to know, you are not alone.
So many today want to "go it alone". We all need someone. I would not like to think I would have to face cancer "alone", or anything other trial for that matter.
The good news is that none of us have to "go it alone". If you don't have family find a church and begin to worship there and become part of a church family.
Today I want to encourage you not to be a "Lone Ranger". Seek out a family member or friend for help and strength when you are going through a trial. Go to church, listen to the word of God. There is strength and comfort in Him.
Be Blessed.
28 down and 5 to go.
My neck is more blistered then it has been and this cold weather makes the skin hurt more then usual but that will pass as it begins to heal. I guess it would be like a real bad sun burn for a month.
I really won't know the outcome of the treatment for a month or so after the treatment. That is when I will go back to the ENT doctor and he will put a scope in my throat to be able to see what it looks like.
As I was setting in the waiting room today before treatment there is a new man that has just starting coming for treatment. I asked him what he was being treated for but I don't think he heard me. I could see on his face some apprehension. Perhaps that is what I was looking like when I first went and sat in the waiting room. I hope to talk to him tomorrow.
I was thinking today as I was coming back from treatment. No matter what we are facing or going through there is always someone facing or going through something worse. Then I thought it really isn't how bad or not so bad something is you are going through, the important thing is who is going through it with you.
What a comfort to know that Jesus Christ is always present but also family and friends who stand by your side in prayer and encouragement. It is just good to know, you are not alone.
So many today want to "go it alone". We all need someone. I would not like to think I would have to face cancer "alone", or anything other trial for that matter.
The good news is that none of us have to "go it alone". If you don't have family find a church and begin to worship there and become part of a church family.
Today I want to encourage you not to be a "Lone Ranger". Seek out a family member or friend for help and strength when you are going through a trial. Go to church, listen to the word of God. There is strength and comfort in Him.
Be Blessed.
28 down and 5 to go.
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